10 Tips To Prevent Jet Lag

Recovering from jet lag depends on the number of timezones you crossed. Normally the body is adjusting to one or two timezones per day.
So if you crossed six timezones the body will need three to five days to adjust.

Here are some tips that can help you to prevent and recover from the symptoms of jet lag.


1. Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Don’t drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages the day before, during and the day after your flight.
Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages can cause dehydration, disrupt sleeping schedules, and trigger nausea and general discomfort.  Caffeine can shake your nerves and intensify any travel discomfort you may already be feeling.


2. Drink water

Drink plenty of water, especially during the flight, to work against the effects of the dry atmosphere inside the plane. Take your own water aboard the airplane, but make sure to buy it after the security check inside the security area of the airport.


3. Stay in shape

If you are in good healthy condition, stay that way. Continue to exercise, eat right and get plenty of rest long before you embark.  Your physical condition will enable you to counteract jet lag better after you land. If you are not physically fit, or have a poor diet, begin shaping up and eating right several weeks before your trip.


4. Get medical advice

If you are in a medical condition that need health monitoring like diabetes or heart disease, consult a doctor in advance of your departure to plan a accomplishment strategy that includes medication schedules and doctor’s appointments in the destination time zone, if necessary.


5. Change your schedule

Start adjusting your body to the new time zone before you leave If your stay in the destination time zone will last more than a few days. For example, if you are traveling from the U.S. to Europe for a 4 weeks vacation, set your daily routine back an hour or more three to four weeks before your trip and set it back another hour week by week. This will save your body from the shock of adjusting all at once.

If you are traveling east, try going to sleep earlier and getting up and out into the early morning sun. If traveling west, try to get a lot of sunlight as soon as possible after reaching your destination.


6. Move around

While seated during your flight, exercise your legs from time to time. Move them up and down and back and forth. Bend your knees. Stand up and sit down. Every hour or two, get up and walk around. Do not take sleeping pills, and do not nap for more than an hour at a time.


7. Check your accommodations

If you are staying at a hotel, check to see that beds and bathroom facilities are satisfactory and that cooling and heating systems are in good working upon arrival.  If the room is unsuitable, ask for another.


8. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes

On a long trip its more important how you feel than how you look. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Avoid items that abrade, pinch or restrict. Dress for your destination when choosing your outfit, keep in mind the climate in your destination time zone.


9. Break up your trip

On long flights traveling across more then 8 time zones, break up your trip, with a stay in a city about halfway to your destination if possible. For example, if you are traveling from New York to Bombay, India, schedule a stopover of a few days in Dublin or Paris. (At noon in New York, it is 5 p.m. in Dublin, 6 p.m. in Paris, and 10:30 p.m. in Bombay.)


10. Adapt to the local time

The faster you adapt to the local time, the sooner your body will acclimate. Therefore, if you arrive at noon local time (but 6 a.m. your time), take lunch, not breakfast. During the day, stay in sunlight by taking walks or sitting outdoor. The sunlight will stimulate your hypothalamus to reduce the production of sleep-inducing melatonin during the day, is helping to set your internal clock.

When traveling with children, try to get them on the local time as well. When traveling east and you will lose time, try to keep the child awake until the local bedtime. If traveling west when you will gain time, wake your child up at the local time.


Heres a site which helps you to reduce your jet lag with a personal jet lag plan.


Jet Lag Rooster shifts your body clock to reduce or prevent jet lag:

  1. Enter your trip details on the reduce jet lag page.
  2. Get and follow your personal jet lag plan (see example). It’s free.
  3. Enjoy your trip with reduced jet lag.